We would like to invite you to the 12th International Dormouse Conference from the 2nd until the 6th of September 2024. The International Dormouse Conference (IDC) is being organised every three years to gather scientists and conservationists to share findings and ideas on the research of palaeontology, genetics, physiology, behaviour, morphology, ecology and conservation of the dormouse species.
The IDC 2024 will be held at the Hessian Nature Conservation Academy in Wetzlar, Germany.
Wetzlar is a historical city along the river Lahn. It is in the core of the German range of the Hazel dormouse, the Edible dormouse and just north of the main distribution of the Garden dormouse.
A mid-conference field trip, part of the conference programme, provides opportunities to get acquainted with the species ecology and habitats in different areas.
This year we will visit the Messel Pit Fossil Site, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where the oldest known dormouse was found. We also will see habitats of the Garden dormouse in the city of Wiesbaden.
A post conference tour will be offered to historical sites and dormouse habitats in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley where three dormice species live.
End of early registration: February 25, 2024
Submission of Abstracts: April 14, 2024
End of Registration: June 16, 2024
The Conference will be organized by Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Senckenberg Research Institute and BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany and hosted by the German Garden dormouse project “In Search of the Garden Dormouse”. This project is funded by the German Federal Programme for Biodiversity.
Organising committee
Johannes Lang, Sven Büchner, Jenny Kupfer, Franz Langer, Holger Meinig, Teresa Nava, Bernhard Neugirg, Carsten Nowak, Franziska Sommer, Susanne Uhrmacher
Scientific committee
Pat Morris (GB), Peter Adamik (CZ), Sandro Bertolino (IT), Claudia Bieber (AT), Joanna Fietz (DE), Rimvydas Juškaitis (LT), Boris Kryštufek (SI), Alice Mouton (BE)
